YuSocial News Contributor Program

Welcome to the YuSocial News Contributor Program! We’re excited to have you join our growing community of informed users and share your news expertise with the world.


  • You must be at least 18 years old.
  • You must be able to consistently create and share high-quality news articles.
  • Possess a strong understanding of current events and the ability to curate reliable news sources.
  • You must be comfortable with YuSocial’s terms of service and community guidelines.
Terms of Reference:
  • Content Quality: All submitted articles must be original, informative and unbiased.
  • Originality: Only submit original content you’ve created. You may summarize articles but proper attribution must be given.
  • Accuracy and Objectivity: Articles should be factually accurate, unbiased, and avoid misleading information.
  • Neutrality: Avoid promoting any specific viewpoint or political agenda.
  • Respectful Engagement: Maintain a respectful tone in your interactions with other YuSocial users.
  • Relevance and Currency: Focus on sharing news articles relevant to YuSocial’s audience and current events.
  • Posting Frequency: Maintain a consistent posting schedule to build a loyal readership.

Milestones and YuCoin Incentives:

YuSocial rewards your contributions with YuCoins, a digital currency convertible to funds in your YuSocial wallet. These funds can be used for various purposes within the platform.

  • Article Posting: Earn 25 YuCoins for each original news article you share.
  • Engagement Bonus: Earn 5 YuCoins for every post comment you make and 1YuCoin for Likes and Shares.
  • Weekly Top Contributor: The contributor with the most-engaged articles each week earns a bonus of 500 YuCoins.
  • Monthly Spotlight: The top contributor each month receives a special recognition and a bonus of 1,000 YuCoins.

Additional Benefits:

  • Increased Visibility: Get featured on the YuSocial homepage, curated sections, and newsletters to reach a wider audience.
  • Author Profile: Build your profile to showcase your expertise, connect with followers, and link to your social media or website.
  • Increased Reach: Become a featured, PRO member and boost your posts to increase your reach.
  • Networking Opportunities: Interact with other contributors, collaborate on articles, and participate in discussions within the YuSocial community.

Getting Started:

To join the YuSocial News Contributor Program, simply fill the form below and check your mail for more info.

Together, let’s build a vibrant and informative social network!

Note: YuSocial reserves the right to modify the program guidelines, milestones, and incentives at any time. We will notify contributors of any changes in advance.

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